For students

If you are following a course at college or university, you will find it quite different to when you were at school.  You need to be able to manage your time and work more independently.  Some of the difficulties you may encounter in a classroom or lecture, and when working through your course:

  • concentration
  • note taking
  • dealing with background noise
  • keeping up with the pace of the course
  • knowing when you need to start tasks and when they need to be handed in 
  • preparing and delivering presentations
  • reading and research
  • writing essays and assignments

We understand how frustrating it can be, especially when you are really interested in a subject and know that you are capable.  There are lots of things that can be done to help. We can write a report that can be given to your tutors and lecturers, if you wish, with recommendations on how they can help you best.

If you are at university, or are considering going to university, you need to know about the Disabled Students' Allowance.  Our reports can be used as evidence for when you make an application for extra support.  Support can be:

  • consideration for exams, eg extra time
  • study skills development, eg strategies for coursework
  • technology, eg software to help you show what you know

More information on DSA can be found here: