For employers

It can be a bit of a puzzle sometimes when you find that an employee is struggling with their employment role, and it is sometimes hard to know why or of there is an underlying cause.   A diagnostic assessment can identify whether or not dyslexia is present, and can identify where the strengths and weakness lie for the individual.

The assessment report will explore the findings of the assessment, so that both you and your employee can understand the situation in more detail.  A diagnostic assessment report can be used to support an application for Access to Work.  Access to Work helps you, the employer, with the costs of making the reasonable adjustments required of you.  This can include technology, as well as skills development and job coaching. 

More information on Access to Work can be found here:

We are happy to provide diagnostic assessments as well as:

  • skills development sessions
  • job-related coaching sessions
  • awareness training for employers and their teams