For employees

It can be a worrying time when you start to think that you could be dyslexic and see how it may be impacting on you in the workplace.  We assess people from all walks of life and in a wide variety of jobs.  Whether you have an office based job, or are based outdoors, work with adults, children, animals, if you are self employed, work for a small local business or a large multinational company, we can compile a profile to show where things are going right and wrong for you and provide recommendations for ways forward.  We have recently assessed a GP, a police officer, a kennel worker, a farrier, an accountant, a nursery nurse, a teacher, a care worker, an IT consultant, an administrator, a university manager, a trainee paramedic, a teaching assistant, a social worker.  

We can write reports that can be used to support an application for Access to Work. This can help with coaching and providing technology to support you in your job role.  More information on Access to Work can be found here:

Dyslexia is so common, it affects so many people in a wide variety of roles. It does not need to be a barrier to success.  If you are found to be dyslexic, there is an expectation that your employer will make reasonable adjustments to help you in your job role.  We can help!